Monday, 29 April 2013

Back to normal

The log cabin quilt made a hit.  It apparently almost made it into the garbage.  Making it useable and attractive creates a good feeling.

That good feeling had to last through a few days as quilting and virtually anything else took a backseat to feeling horrible.

But the sun is shining; the spring frost is burning off and two quilts are lined up to be done.  So there will be some experimentation on one which may or may not be sold and another gorgeous quilt made by a friend which will have a unique simple quilting design that will not take away from the quilt itself.

Machine quilting is a balancing act and this not only refers to getting the bobbin and top thread balanced but more about that.  It is tempting to do fancy quilting just because it is fun but the quilting should be about the quilt.  What makes the quilt look its best?  Some say the quilt tells you what is fine but like other conversations which are one sided you are not always totally sure about what the other person (in this case the quilt) is saying.  Does an ornate quilt need simple quilting or will ornate quilting keep the lush look?  Does a busy quilt need busy  or simple quilting.  Well an ornate quilt is often a busy quilt so it could be yes.  But then you have to think of colour and also if the quilt is modern or old fashioned.  Colour has a loud voice in quilting decisions. Then there is the construction to think of.  Lots of intersecting seams can make quilting interesting to say the least.  And if the quilt has an owner other than the long armer then there is a voice but not always of certainty.

In the end all the factors have to be weighed (sounds like a speech from a CEO who is going to give bad news to employees) and a decision and commitment made.  Oh how the heart flutters when that decision is made.  What will be the outcome?  At least no quilts will get laid off.

More about balancing.  I purchased a device to measure bobbin tension and a very simple one to measure the tension of top thread.  I tried to design one myself but could not find the fittings I wanted so I caved and bought the devices.  This is will be an opening act for these two devices.  They will not provide a perfect answer as there are so many factors to consider; fabric; quilting design; batting and thread but they should give a better starting point on the thread.  I will report on how this works.

So off to create a new quilting design and to load a quilt which has been hanging around and try the new devices.  A fun day.

No pictures (except a big pile of wood to be stacked) but hopefully in a couple of days the ornate quilt should be finished or at least almost.  Amazing how life intrudes into my lovely quilting world.

Have a good one!!!!!

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