Saturday, 2 September 2017

Continuing the Guild Quilts

How different a quilt can be when the center medallion is very similar, a Tree of Life block, but the bag get passed around to another group.  See the previous post for an explanation of how this works in the guild.  Here is the 2nd quilt.  The fabric around the tree of life is darker and the border is light.  It makes a different impression on the eyes.  The Tree of Life seems to pop out more from the darker fabric.  The borders are quite simple but effective.  The final border was very big but was broken up with inserted blocks at the corner.  You can see the insert at the bottom right of the photo.  I really like that and will remember it if I have the same type of large border.  The effect really breaks up a large border.

I quilted many, many roses in the border.  In fact, by the time I finished, roses were something I will shelve for a while and will use in a smaller area.  I did something similar on a Christmas quilt a few years ago and while effective, boredom sets in.  I was tired at the end but it turned out ok.

This quilt will find a home this fall.  I hope it brings warmth and good feelings.  I know the makers put a lot of care and love into making it.  

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