Sunday, 20 July 2014

Do you like mystery quilts?

I really enjoy mysteries at least in quilts and books  But sometimes a big mystery quilt is not the practical thing at the moment.  Well here is a solution of sorts.  One Block Wonders.  I have been introduced to this concept and it is quite intriguing.  Your clues are in the fabric you use but how the mystery turns out is not revealed until each of the cut pieces of fabric are put back together.

There is loads of information available on this block.  So here is what I did in very simple terms.

I bought a meter of fabric that had an interesting design.  It was only a 6 inch repeat of the design and I know a larger repeat is recommended but at the time I had only the conceptual idea and not full details.  But I barged ahead anyway.  First I found the repeat and cut along each repeat.  Then I figured out more or less how many rows on the repeat could be cut with various size  60 degree triangles. After some quick measuring I settle on 2 1/2 inch triangles.  Not big but not too small.  Then I put the strips in stacked matching sets of 6 as it takes 6 pieces to make a hexagon.  360, a circle, when divided by 6 is 60 degrees for each unit.  This is the housekeeping.  The mystery begins.

You cut 6 identical triangles with each cut of the ruler.  Now you get to put them back together.  Remember you will now have 3 triangle points on each triangle to chose as your center.  Sometimes this is obvious but try the not obvious and perhaps get a surprise.

This is what I got. First is a picture of the original fabric.  It had a nice design to begin with.  I think I might have broken rules about not having too many colours but what are rules for?  Yes, break them.  At least those which will not cause damage to life and limb.  This falls into this category.  I used two left over pieces for the back of the mini.

Here is the front.  This is the mystery.  Just rearranging the cut pieces gives you lots of different combinations of the repeat.  Your bouquet of roses becomes the dominant pink with a black center..  The really interesting ones are those of the original wreath of flowers  

 Actually I got a lot more hexagons but decided to make a mini quilt for a competition.  The other hexagons are left for something else.  Surprisingly I got a lot of hexagons; 38 in total plus 2 cutting mistakes.  The limits on the measurement of the mini which contains 12  made me determined to not have to cut the hexagons in half to make a rectangular quilt so I sewed the hexagons together and then bound them.   Yes, bound them. I would not recommend this unless you have lots of patience.

Then I sewed seed pearls around the outside and add a bit of bling on on the most dominant hexagon.  I am not an accomplished beader but hopefully from a distance it will have the effect I want of giving that hexagon a bit more dominance.  Now to ponder what to do with the rest of the hexagons as I get down to doing some of my dreaded TO DO's.  Have fun if you decide to try this.  Start small so your commitment is not too big.  It makes you look at fabric in a different way. And do not take this as complete directions.  I was never very good at following what I was told to do but unless you are a risk taker, have a look at detailed instructions.

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