Summer is great and you would think the sun and warm weather would lead to a lawn chair; a book; some handwork. In other words relaxation. However this is not always the case.
In my yard in view of the lawn chair is a merry go round. It is very pretty and decked in the beautiful colours of summer but do not be deceived. Each of those pretty horses is a disguised work horse. Step on the deck of the merry go round and you will find it hard to get off.
There is a horse decked in a beautiful green blanket with silver reins. Take this and you are on the lawn tractor whizzing over deep green grass which seems to grow behind you as you cut. Add to this is no shortage of rain here and the grass grows even faster.
Another horse has a blanket covered in roses. You can guess where this one will take you; to the tiller to keep the green weeds from choking the beautiful roses. Sometimes it feels like the sets from the ballet Sleeping Beauty where the thorns grow round the palace. I have tried looking for a Prince Charming but all I get is the tiller and the hoe and shovel and rake. This horse also likes grass so off to the strawberry patch which is producing wonderful strawberries but also grass which waves under your nose and tickles as you pick the beautiful red strawberries.
The next to last horse is clothed in a plain brown blanket but has a lovely face and so when you mount this one you get the tractor again but this time with a wagon which you use to take out weeds which have gotten out of control. Under a brilliant orange cover is a pile of weeds collected to wait until the green bin can be filled biweekly. This collection which is not worth anything except making the flowers prettier probably has life of about two years until it is removed.
But where is quilting? Ah this is the best horse. The blanket is gold; the trappings highly polished silver and the horse is a white stallion. Mount this horse and you are off to a world of colour and texture and design and fun. I have finished a gorgeous quilt with a wool batting which created hills and valleys of texture from the pattern and brought out the beauty of the design and colour. A thank you to a friend who created the beautiful top. Then a cute baby quilt which was just fun to quilt free hand; hearts and hearts and more hearts. Knowing it will warm a lovely, soft baby is part of the fun. Now the work is a quilt made up of various squares; all different. This is fun. It is like having a different quilt to do with each square. What should go here; plain; fancy; squiggles; outline. Choices; choices. This horse has a siren call and as it is raining it has a much better chance of being chosen to ride. So on this Sunday the Merry go round has stopped at the white stallion and here we go through the world of quilting and having a truly fun gallop.
As these quilts are not for me I do not have pictures but there are some tops coming up all for me. So rain keep coming so I can ride the stallion.
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