I have blogged about the warmth and caring of guilds and in the case of mine it is 100% women. This is not uncommon but changing in more cosmopolitan areas. Last night I was introduced to a Womens group which has existed in Canada since the late 19th century. It is the Womens' Institute. Some of you may be familiar with this institution (British version) from the movie Calendar Girls. This local gathering was to celebrate many, many years of service. It was a privilege to listen to members recall accomplishments but the overriding comments were about the collegiality of the institute like that of a quilting guild; warmth; acceptance; friends; welcome; antidote to the loneliness of raising your children and about how the institution collectively has brought about tremendous change.
Sometimes in all the hectic activities in which many of us seem to be involved and what are sometimes both pesky and petty concerns that make our blood boil we forget that we, women, collectively are not without power for change and the power to support each other and those who need support in the face of life's problems. Our nurturing natures do not make us soft but give us life skills that make this a better world.
Switching streams
Never discount what good things you will find on the internet about quilting. It is like a gianormous library which you can use to search and find. I needed a band aid to sooth my quilting soul as I pick out some stitches (actually a whole lot) where I made a bad decision. Well today a monthly e-mail from Superior Threads arrived and my band aid was in it. It linked to a teacher called Jamie Wallen. Not only a band aid but a salve to sooth my hurt pride at least when I finish taking out the tiny stitches. Harking back to my childhood this would be something that is 'good for my soul'.
When the stitches are ripped out I will have something to show. Hortense do not let me down please.
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