Well I have thought about doing this for so long and finally ................ As I work along at this blog it will change but for now simple is best. I have sewn for as long as I can remember but do not want to reveal. I am retired but often wonder how I got the time to work. I love textiles, wools, colours, design and having fun.
Having moved to the country 5 years ago I have the luxury in indulging in something I have dabbled in for many years. When I worked I took quilting classes It was a safety valve. We all have them. Now I can quilt as much as I want.
I am helped by 3 cats and 2 dogs all of them very hairy. The cats test out my own quilts for their ability to attract cat hair and the dogs, big Golden Retrievers. test out my ability to walk around or over their bodies in the smallest space possible like in front of the ironing board; between the computer and my sewing machine; under sewing tables with of course enough body parts sticking out to cause me a bit of dance. I draw the line at lying on the foot peddle though. :)
In the past couple of years I tried my hand at machine quilting. I am hooked. I started with a mid-arm so as not to go into sticker shock and worked my way up to a Christmas present I got this year of a long arm quilter. Quilting a project and then rolling it off and see it take life is a pleasure every time. Seeing someone, whose quilt I have done, love it is a fabulous experience. I worked in computers so using them as part of quilting and embroidery doubles the pleasure.
My intention with this is to share experiences both good and bad; things I have learned and might save someone the agony. I might just share recipes; interesting sites and experiences. I am the member of a local guild called Paradise Village Quilters http://paradisevillagequilters.blogspot.ca/ and must say belonging to a guild is one of the best parts of quilting. It is face to face sharing and caring.
So welcome to my blog News and Views from a Quilter. I will post when moved to do it and will display pictures of quilts in various stages.
If you are wondering about the quilt picture; it is a Red Rooster fabric and the center of a lap quilt; the last thing I did on my mid-arm and an illustration of going from flat 2 dimension fabric to alive with quilting.
On my frame now is a big quilt done as part of a mystery quilt on line and I am trying to figure how to quilt it. Allover; patterns tailored to the squares; all freehand; some with the robot????????? Will post a picture later. Right now off to make yogurt. You can't quilt 100 percent of the time if you want to eat and sleep.
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